CRAC Europe 2024: Global Pesticide and Biostimulant Regulatory Forum

Sep. 19th, 2024

Cologne, Germany

This international event, now in its 16th edition, will embark on a global tour, spanning multiple continents and bringing together industry leaders and experts from around the world to communicate the pressing issues in regulatory compliance and market trends in chemicals, cosmetics, pesticides, biostimulants, as well as sustainable development for the industry.

CRAC 2024 enters its 16th edition with a groundbreaking approach. Breaking away from tradition, CRAC 2024 embarks on a global tour, spanning China,  South KoreaJapan, and Europe. This bold initiative paves the way for an international exchange of ideas, experiences, and best practices, fostering collaboration on a global scale.

In 2024, CRAC Global takes a significant stride towards Europe with the launch of CRAC Europe 2024 – Agrochemical Session. This remarkable event unites companies from China and Europe, fostering knowledge exchange and collaboration in the realm of pesticide and biostimulant registration. By bringing together regulatory authorities, multinational corporations, and industry experts, CRAC Europe 2024 aims to explore the latest trends and regulations in global pesticide and fertilizer management, empowering agricultural chemical companies to plan and enhance trade opportunities in China and Europe.

CRAC Europe 2024 – Agrochemical Session

CRAC Europe – Agrochemical Session| September 19, 2024 | Cologne, Germany

· Global Pesticide and Biostimulant Regulatory Forum

Resources: Brochure | Sponsorship

Conference Information

  • Date: September 19, 2024 
  • Venue: Hyatt Regency Cologne (Kennedy-Ufer 2A, 50679 Cologne, Germany)
  • Conference Room: Rheinsaal 2 (M Floor)
  • Language: English
  • Registration Fee: Free


Time (CEST) Topics and Guest Speakers
08:30-09:00 Registration
09:00-09:10 Opening Remarks
09:10-10:00 European Pesticide and Biostimulant Regulations: Latest Regulatory Updates and Market Overview

EU Authority Representative

10:00-10:20 Coffee Break
10:20-11:00 Analysis of China’s New Pesticide Policies and Suggestions on Market Layout of Multinational Enterprises

Nancy Shen     Technical Expert              

REACH24H Consulting Group China

11:20-11:30 Comparison of Fertilizer/Biostimulant Regulations in China and Europe

Nancy Shen     Technical Expert              

REACH24H Consulting Group China

11:30-12:00 Q&A Session
12:00-13:00 Lunch
13:00-14:00 Pesticide Regulation Interpretation and Market Entry Strategy Analysis in Asia-Pacific Regions, Especially for Southeast Asia and Australia

Daisy Hu     Regulatory Consultant          

REACH24H Consulting Group China

14:00-15:00 US EPA FIFRA Regulations and Canadian Pesticide Registration Requirements

Industry Expert

15:00-15:30 Coffee Break
15:30-16:00 Better Understanding for How to Make a Comprehensive Plan for Global Pesticide Registration

Jocelyn Zhang     Regulatory Consultant
REACH24H Consulting Group China

16:00-16:20 Q&A Session

Open Talk and Networking

* Topics and speakers are subject to change.

 view agenda

Who’s Attending

who's attending

Chemical Regulatory Annual Conference

Since 2009, the Chemical Regulatory Annual Conference (CRAC) has brought together global forces for 16 consecutive years to build industry dialogue, invite global government agencies, industry experts, and business representatives to discuss global chemical management trends, exchange international advanced management experience, and extend to sub-sectors such as pesticides, disinfectants, cosmetics, food contact materials, pharmaceuticals, green and low-carbon sectors, and promote green, safe, and sustainable development of the industry, injecting new vitality into the benign development of the industry. Over the years, CRAC has established partnerships with renowned institutions such as the Helsinki Chemicals Forum (HCF), the United Nations Environment Programme (UNEP), the European Commission (EC), and the Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development (OECD), etc.

CRAC Online Forum Reports

Notably, CRAC has attracted distinguished global government agencies and associations to its events, including the Ministry of Ecology and Environment of China, the Ministry of Emergency Management of China, the Ministry of Transport of China, the Ministry of Agriculture and Rural Affairs of China, the European Chemicals Agency, the United States Environmental Protection Agency, the National Institute of Environmental Research of South Korea, and many other government agencies and organizations. 

CRAC 2023 Report

Contact Us

If you have any questions regarding this conference, or if you are interested in Sponsorship Opportunities, please contact the organizing committee:

Contact Person: Jackie Ren

Tel: +86-187-5713-6514
